'Working with the Conference Hotel Group team is great ! They are full of energy, passion and offering hotels we never heard of ! And I must say these hotels are great ! Thanks team and looking forward to work with you again.'
Pharmaceutical Industry (US)Emea Executive Assistant
'You can see these people are from the hotel industry, they are keen on the contracts, give good advise what to book and are easy to get in touch with! Our event in Barcelona went very well and that’s thanks to the good start with Bas and his team.'
Financial Industry (UK)Global Senior Event Manager
'We have several suppliers for our meetings in our company, but I never experienced a company that Seems to be so quick, pro-active and hands on as this company ! Great!'
Consumer Goods Industry (D)Marketing Manager
'Nice people, full of fun and very helpful. Great network of other suppliers they have we used for our event in Noordwijk. Will use them again to assist us with the venue selection.'
Medical Devices (NL)Executive Assistant VP
'I already knew Robbert-Jan from his previous job, hard worker and crazy guy. Now he and his team helped me with another event in the South of Europe… and again… spot on ! Well done guys and work soon again!'